Friday 21 October 2016

DC TV Weekly Round Up 17/10/16-24/10/16

Another week passes, another week of DC TV to talk about. A week filled with silliness and fun, but also mediocrity and dumb, do they all balance out? Let's find out.

Supergirl 'The Last Children of Krypton' Review
Superman and Martian Manhunter teaming up to take on Metallo...For nothing else I love these shows simply because I actually get to see things like this happen on screen. As for the rest of the episode, it...kinda doesn't work. Well, that's not true. As a whole it works, but certain points certainly have cracks to cause concern, in this case it's things like Cadmus just announcing themselves to the world in the stupidest way possible. They do this as if it's there was of trying to get the public's approval, yet their next two moves are to attack a crowded city and kill dozens of people...who would be on their side now!? What was the point of making yourselves public if you just ostrasized everyone!? Also Cat Grant is leaving because Calista Flockhart doesn't want to travel to Vancouver all the time. Jimmy got a promotion...just because. And Alex decided to be a selfish and annoying bitch like she was at the start of the last season. Now to be fair she had a fairly decent argument. but she presents it in such a horrendously entitled manner that it ruins any chance she would have had at being right. So yeah, lots of problems with this episode, has Superman and Martian Manhunter fighting Metallo guyyyyys. 6/10.

The Flash 'Magenta' Review
I swear to god, if Tom Felton turns out to be Alchemy I am gonna be pissed. I have no actual evidence to back this up, but this show has done the "good guy turns out to be bad guy" thing two seasons in a row now, I wouldn't put it past them to do it a third time. Apart from that it was a good episode, we got Harry and Jessie back and now she has powers and he seems to have moved on from the overly protective (and annoying) father trope into someone more accepting. Also Flash saves the day not by fighting the bad guy put sympathising with them and offering them a helping hand, it reminded me of Ace & Batman from Justice League Unlimited, I love it when heroes save the day through compassion rather than violence, especially in DC Properties when that is such a big aspect of dozens of their characters. Wally however being jealous he didn't get super powers decides to try and get himself run over...and is shocked people are upset with him? For the love of god, stop making Wally West such a fucking tool! But yeah, Harry & Jessie were good, I liked how they handled the villain, but Wally was a bitch and also there wasn't much plot progression. 7/10

Arrow 'A Matter of Trust' Review
"You'll kill, but only when you have to" - the closest Arrow has come to accurately representing Green Arrow as a character. Also, just like my prediction in Flash, I'm going to guess Felicity's boyfriend is actually Prometheus, because it's not a trope Arrow is unfamiliar with so I wouldn't be surprised. But to talk about the actual episode, yeah 3 in a row, Arrow is on a role with good episodes. The Felicity & Rory dilemma is actually interesting, seeing how they'll handle that, as long as they don't solve it within one episode. Then there are just some fun little moments that I enjoyed a lot, such as Curtis finally being in the Mr Terrific make-up (Also reference to the original Mr Terrific) and that joke Ragman made about being unable to stop the whispers, that was very funny. However there are still negatives, for one, Thea was...just kind of an idiot, talking to a reporter who actively dislikes her brother and admitting he wasn't aware of a major decision? THINK! And Wild Dog is starting to become a real big bitch, everyone else has got on board with the system, why is he still whining? So really there isn't much too good or too bad about this episode, it all kind of evens out, but there were several small moments that made me like it. Oh, and Diggle is hallucinating, oh joy. 5/10.

Legends of Tomorrow 'The Justice Society of America' Review
You see what I wrote above about Supergirl? How even if something isn't that great the concept alone is enough to get me to like it? Well here we have the Legends teaming up with the Justice Society of America to fight Nazis...any form of actual criticism is done. You don't get to say this is bad, you just don't. I don't want to, it's the Justice Society of America fighting Nazis, it's gold. The only two thing's I'll point out is that Back to the Future reference was awesome but that jab at Captain America was lame. You think super soldier serum is stupid? You're superheroes fighting Nazis! Your entire show is stupid, don't bash it, it's awesome. I am however still confused on what the heck this is all leading up to or where Rip is, so I do think the show needs some more exposition, I know it's early days but still, fun is fun, but if you're going to have a plot then actually explain it. So can I actually say this episode was good? Probably not, but again, superheroes fighting Nazis, that's never a bad thing to see. 5/10.


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