Friday 5 September 2014

There is too much to watch!

You know when people tell you "oh my god you have to watch this show/movie or play this game or read this book!" and you're just there like "...okay" because it's impossible! There is too much out there! One person can not watch/play/read everything that they supposedly have to, I have a list of things that I need to WPR (watch/play/read) and I have about 60 things on that list, I own about 10 of them and are currently going through 5 of them, the problem is I am a lazy binge watcher, I am not one of those people that can go through 10 seasons of a show in a day, why? Because I want to do all of the things! I have so much media surrounding me that I can't just do one thing or else I feel like I'm slacking, so I'll watch new episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer while also playing Deadpool on Xbox 360, but because there is so much to do I feel guilty when something is left on there too long when I could have finished it by now, I've had Star Trek on my list for 2 years now and I haven't watched a single episode, I plan to watch it eventually but Star Trek is too big of a commitment! 3 seasons, 8 movies about about a half a dozen spin-offs, there's too much! And I feel even more guilty when I choose to binge watch something that I already have watched all the way through, how can I binge watch Friends for the 50th time when I haven't even finished Seinfeld once!? Because I watch Friends to relax! Seinfeld while awesome, I don't want to rush through it, I want to watch it when I'm ready, I got through 7 seasons and I will watch the other 2 when I feel like it, why isn't that enough!?

And those 60 things on my list, I'm sure if I put on everything that I plan to WPR then that list would be about 200 things on there. And then in a few weeks there will be a whole new list of shows added for the new TV season...oh god it's too much. My point to all of this being, it is impossible for someone to watch everything that they need to watch, even though I have this great feeling inside of me when I finally catch up and finish a show, if I try and balance all of them at once then I will always forget about some of them and they will be lost in the abyss of unfinished shows.


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